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Heeft u bovenstaande acties goed uitgevoerd maar kunt u zich nog steeds niet inschrijven? Mail dan naar info@excelcs.nl.
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Het kan zijn dat de factuur in uw spam of ongewenste mail terecht is gekomen. Als dit niet het geval is, kunt u mailen naar info@excelcs.nl.
Dear Shoulder Physiotherapists and Specialists,
This year, the biennial Shoulder Network Conference will be bigger than ever! We are taking shoulder care to an international level by collaborating with SECEC, EUSSER, and Shoulder Network Flanders. This means access to top experts, groundbreaking research, and the latest treatment strategies in shoulder and elbow rehabilitation.
🚀 Why you don’t want to miss this event:
✅ Unique international collaboration with SECEC, EUSSER & Shoulder Network Flanders
✅ Inspiring keynotes and world-class scientific updates
✅ Hands-on workshops and advanced case discussions
✅ Networking opportunities with colleagues and experts from across Europe
✅ CME Credits from Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie & ProQKine (5 per day)
Are you ready to take your knowledge and skills to the next level? Register now and be part of the future of shoulder physiotherapy!
We are currently working hard on shaping the program. You can view the latest version on the event website.
Members SNN/SNV | |
Registration 1 day | 225 |
Registration 2 days | 375 |
Members Eusser (non Benelux) | |
Registration 2 days | 225 |
Non members | |
Registration 1 day | 275 |
Registration 2 days | 425 |
We invite everyone to submit an abstract for our upcoming conference. The subject of your abstract must focus on the shoulder or elbow. Whether your work involves research, new findings, innovative insights, the application of AI, or any topic related to the diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation techniques for shoulder and/or elbow complaints, we want to hear from you!
Submissions are open to all, and we encourage contributions that explore a wide range of perspectives in shoulder and elbow care. This is a great opportunity to share your ideas and advance the field.
Submit your abstract today and join us in driving forward the conversation on shoulder and elbow healthcare!
All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts. You have the option to present your work as either a poster or an oral presentation. The best oral presentation will be awarded the Science Award.
Submit your abstract today and contribute to advancing the field of shoulder and elbow care!
This event is made possible in part through financial support, or sponsorship, from pharmaceutical and/or medical device suppliers.
The participating sponsors have no influence on the program.
This event complies with CGR and/or GMH regulations, and all sponsorships are disclosed in the TRZ Transparency Register for Healthcare.
As a healthcare professional, it is essential to work independently. Visit Hoeblijfikonafhankelijk.nl for information on preventing conflicts of interest.
All participants in this event—including the client, organizer, sponsor, service provider, and healthcare professional—are expected to be transparent about financial relationships.
Interested in sponsoring? Contact us at info@excelcs.nl.