Betaling open / Payment due

Dank voor uw inschrijving. Wij hebben uw betaling (nog) niet ontvangen. Dat kan meerdere redenen hebben, zoals vertraging tussen Mollie (ons betaalsysteem) en onze website.

Wanneer wij de betaling hebben ontvangen, ontvangt u daarvan een melding.

Mocht u contact op willen nemen over uw betaling dan kan dat via onderstaande contactgegevens.

Thank you for your registration. We have not yet received your payment. There could be several reasons for this, such as a delay between Mollie (our payment system) and our website.

Once we receive the payment, you will receive a notification confirming the payment.

If you would like to inquire about your payment, please feel free to contact us using the contact information provided below. We will be happy to assist you with any concerns you may have.

Van Rijckevorsellaan 31
5066 BR Moergestel
Tel:   +31 – (0)13-5440013